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Pongal, one of the most significant harvest festivals in India, was celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervour at our RCET campus. The celebrations commenced with a traditional Pongal Pooja, performed by Mr.Jaiharish,III BME in the presence of our Chairman,Prochairman,Managing Director and our respected Principal . The pooja was attended by students, staff, and faculty members.A rangoli competition was organized, where participants showcased their artistic skills by creating intricate designs using colored powders and flowers.Traditional games like kabaddi, volleyball, and tug-of-war were organized, promoting teamwork and sportsmanship among participants.A series of cultural programs, including traditional dances, music performances, and skits, were presented by students and staff members. A Pongal cooking competition was held, where participants prepared traditional Pongal dishes like ven pongal, sakkarai pongal, and sambar.

The Pongal celebration by Biomedical engineering students of RCET was a grand success, fostering a sense of community, cultural heritage, and teamwork among participants. We look forward to celebrating this significant festival again next year.


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