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Sl.No Details Files/URL
1 5.1.2 AWS and google cloud
2 5.1.2 Applications of CAD
3 5.1.2 Cloud computing
4 5.1.2 Data integration technology
5 5.1.2 Dental Camp
6 5.1.2 Drug Awareness Rally
7 5.1.2 General medical and eye camp
8 5.1.2 IOT Based systems design
9 5.1.2 Industry 4.O
10 5.1.2 Internationa Yoga day- Yoga Awarenss Program
11 5.1.2 Machine Learning
12 5.1.2 PT Program
13 5.1.2 Spoken english course 2023-2024
14 5.1.2 TRP sem 1 english
15 5.1.2 TRP sem 2 English
16 5.1.2 TRP sem 3 softskills
17 5.1.2 TRP sem 4 softskills
18 5.1.2 TRP sem 5 softskills
19 5.1.2 TRP sem 6 softskills
20 5.1.2 cancer awareness program