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Recognized Under Section 2(f) of University Grants Commission, UGC Act 1956

ECONOMICAL GO-KART- Engineering Project

Rohini College of Engineering and Technology offers more than just the typical classroom experience. Students can participate in unique learning opportunities, enhancing their education and providing them with skills to succeed in their future careers. Final year UG students of Mechanical Engineering Department developed an Innovative Product Go-kart. Go-Kart is a type of open-wheeled, small engine, single seated racing car. Go-kart comes in all forms from motor fewer models to high powered racing machines. The go-kart prepares the driver for high speed wheel to wheel racing by helping and develops guide reflex, precision car control and decision making skills. In a go-kart there are mainly six parts were used, they are Chassis, Engine, Steering system, Transmission systems, Tiers accompanied with Brake and Electric Starter.

Our present work is to design and analyse the rear wheel of the scorpion cart. A seat belt is provided for the protection of the driver. The rear-wheel is suspended to a mono-suspension shock-absorber. The front wheels are normally used wheel for light vehicles and the rear wheel is used for balancing the kart. Here an air cooled motor cycle engine is used and it is placed at the back side of the seat. The design of the vehicle is based on various engineering aspects depending upon Safety and Ergonomics, Market Availability, Cost of the Components, Safe Engineering Practices. The role of suspension in our vehicle is to make the ride less bumpy during long travels. The go-kart of simple three-wheel, among these two wheels on the front of the kart and one as a rear wheel, small engine, single seated car using Creo - 2. This designed scorpion cart has to be analysed using the ANSYS software to find the various stresses acting in different directions.

The entire project was coordinated by Amal James and Abish team of Final Year Mechanical. So, RCET takes pride to encourage a mindset of continuous learning, creative thinking and increased innovation and that will in turn increase the chances of retaining quality, commitment and gives an opportunity to try out new ideas, and new ways of thinking and problem-solving.