For Admission +91 8531088888

Call +91 9894298888 |

Regional office:

Kerala:    +91 8344883888 | 9526154775
Manipur: +91 9485244288 | 8344883888
Recognized Under Section 2(f) of University Grants Commission, UGC Act 1956

Quarterly Plan - I

Sl No Activity Date Files/URL
1 Workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity 05.09.2023
2 My Story - Motivational Session by Successful Innovators. 21.09.2023
3 Demo Day/Exhibition/Poster Presentation of Ideas/PoC & linkage with Innovation Ambassadors/Experts for Mentorship Support. 28.09.2023
4 Inter/Intra Institutional Idea Competition/Challenge/Hackathon and Reward Best Ideas. 08.10.2023
5 Drone Patrai Inauguration 05.10.2023
6 Exposure and field visit for problem identification 12.10.2023
7 My Story - Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur/Start-up founder 19.10.2023
8 Rohini Hackathon 2023 14.10.2023-16.10.2023
9 Inter/Intra Institutional Innovation Competition/Challenge/Hackathon and Reward Best Innovations. 28.10.2023
10 Smart SHG Bazaar 02.11.2023
11 Inter/Intra Institutional Innovation Competition/Challenge/Hackathon and Reward Best Innovations. 6.11.2023
12 Field/Exposure Visit to Pre-incubation units such as Ideas Lab, Fab lab, Makers Space, Design Centres, City MSME clusters, workshops etc. 13.11.2023
13 Session on Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit 15.11.2023
14 Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development 18.11.2023
15 Expert talk on "Process of Innovation Development & Technology Readiness Level (TRL)" & "Commercialisation of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer" 21.11.2023
16 Organising Innovation & Entrepreneurship Outreach Program in Schools/Community 27.11.2023
17 Workshop on Design Thinking, Critical thinking and Innovation Design 29.11.2023