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An industrial visit was arranged by department of Computer Applications of Rohini College of Engineering and technology, for II- Year students on 18/09/2024. Since they are studying Internet of Things in III semester, the company chosen for visit was Kaynes Technology (Mysuru). It is a place which gives details practical knowledge about IoT solutions-enabled integrated electronics products and functional operations.

Thirty-nine students of second year MCA and two teachers of MCA department assembled in Kaynes Technology (Mysuru) at 2.00 p.m. The Business development Manager of Kaynes Technology Mr. Manoj Kumar and the instructor were arranged the Industrial visit in a systematic manner. The instructor has given a detailed presentation about the Integrated Manufacturing and Life Cycle Support for major players in the Automotive, Industrial, Aerospace and Defence, Outer-space, Nuclear, Medical, Railways, Internet of Things (“IoT”), Information Technology (“IT”) and other segments. 

The students have taken into Integrated Manufacturing house which have the facilities for electronic assembles.