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Recognized Under Section 2(f) of University Grants Commission, UGC Act 1956

Students Clubs

At Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, our Students Club is the heart of student life, providing an exciting platform for personal and professional growth. With a diverse range of clubs, students can pursue their passions, develop new skills, and engage with the college community on multiple levels.

Technical Clubs

The Technical Clubs at RCET foster innovation and hands-on learning. Whether you're interested in coding, robotics, AI, or electronics, our technical clubs provide the perfect environment to expand your knowledge, collaborate on exciting projects, and participate in national and international competitions.

Sports, Cultural & Arts Clubs

Balance is key to success, and our sports, cultural, and arts clubs offer opportunities to relax, explore creativity, and stay fit. Whether you're an athlete, a performer, or an artist, these clubs help you showcase your talents, participate in intra and inter-college events, and build lasting friendships through teamwork and collaboration.

Health Awareness & Social Outreach Clubs

At RCET, we believe in shaping not just skilled professionals, but socially responsible individuals. Our health awareness and social outreach clubs focus on promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being, while also encouraging students to make a positive impact on society through community service and awareness campaigns.