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Recognized Under Section 2(f) of University Grants Commission, UGC Act 1956

Certification Courses

Modeling and Machining Practice for CNC Machines

The goal of this course is to teach persons with a technical background how to program and operate Computer Numerical Control (CNC) mills and lathes. This course bridges the gap between what persons with a technical education know and what they must learn to begin using CNC machine tools. The types of parts, materials and machining operations that engineers, innovators, and niche manufacturers often use are featured. Work holding techniques well suited to prototype and short-run production are detailed and used as examples.

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Industry 4.0

Through our range of Industry 4.0 training courses, participants will learn how they can support their organisations at different stages of their digital transformation journey from understanding the basic concepts, implementing Industry 4.0 principles, to assessing manufacturing facilities on its level of transformation.

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The course will be guided by the experienced faculty and also live sessions will be organized for reaching out to the candidate in a more lucid way. During the AutoCAD course, the students will be encouraged to solve real-world problems and therefore make the aspirants more experienced to face the challenges while working as CAD professionals in the future.

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Industrial Safety

The course is intended to give knowledge of various safety management principles, various safety systems, various machine guarding devices, hazard identification techniques, energy sources, systems & applications and the need in the present context. Learners will be able to compare different hazard identification tools and choose the most appropriate based on the nature of industry.

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Renewable Energy Resources

This course Focuses on the practical application of renewable energy technologies. Topics include energy and resource conservation and project siting, economics, financing, renewable energy and tax credits, technical and engineering aspects, regulatory issues, energy storage, monitoring and verification.

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Geometric Dimension and Tolerance

This course extends basic engineering drafting skills to the applied principles of geometric dimensioning and tolerance. Emphasis is placed on interpretation and application symbols to drawings, measurements and quality control.

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Robotics is a lab-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, focusing on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots. Course information will be tied to lab experiments; students will work in groups to build and test increasingly more complex mobile robots.

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Composite Material & Applications

Introduce to advanced composite materials and their applications. Develop fundamental relationships for predicting the mechanical and hydrothermal response of multi layered materials and structures.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

The course consists of different refrigeration cycles and understanding of psychrometry and psychrometric processes used for the purpose of air-conditioning. Further, the comfort air-conditioning and indoor environment health are also addressed in this course.

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Welding Inspection Technics

Completing a welding inspection course and gaining a qualification provides a thorough understanding of the role and the confidence to perform it to a high standard. In addition, welding technology knowledge gained welding inspection courses will help support your development of responsible welding coordinator competence.

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Alternative Fuel & Application

This course presents an overview of six alternative fuels used for vehicles: biodiesel, electricity, ethanol blended with gasoline, hydrogen, natural gas, and propane.

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Entrepreneurship Development

The main objective of this course is develop entrepreneurial abilities by providing background information about support systems , skill sets , financial and risk covering institutions and other for building an enterprise so that future budding entrepreneurs can make right decisions for starting and running a venture.

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3D Printing

This course deals with 3D printing process whereby objects are built up from plastic filament, liquid resin, layers of powder, or even bio-compatible and edible materials. Desktop 3D printing is today’s printing press, putting rapid prototyping, customizable products, and individualized medical appliances in reach of the general public.

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This course focuses on core-modelling skills in a comprehensive manner: sketching, part modelling, assemblies, drawings, and basic model management techniques.

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Electric Vehicles

This course will be a first level course on electric vehicle. Students will be able to understand the operation of battery driven electric vehicle. The course will start with introduction section which will enable the students to understand the focus areas that come under the umbrella of electric vehicles. Then the course will start covering this focus areas one by one such as vehicle dynamics, Motors, Power Electronics, Batteries, Charging etc. time applications.

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