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SPORTS LEAGUE-2024-Sports Day Ceremony (Diploma) at Rohini College of Technology

A SPORTS LEAGUE-2024 ceremony was held at Rohini College of Engineering and Technology located in PAL KULAM near Anjugram. The President of the College, Mr. Neelamarthandan, Vice President Dr. Neela Vishnu, Managing Director Dr. Blessy Geo, presided over the event. Physical Education Directors Sabarish Godwin and Ramki welcomed all the guests. Principal of the college Dr. Rajesh delivered the address. 
D Murugesan, who is working as Special Assistant Police Inspector, Anjugram, was present as the special guest and delivered a special speech.

Special Assistant Police Inspector Murugesan hoisted the flag and accepted the marching honors of the flag bearers.
Following this, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, shot put, discus throw, long jump, high jump, kabaddi competition and handball competitions were held. Many students and professors participated in the competitions. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the competitions. 
The arrangements for the festival were made by the Directors of Physical Education Saparish Katwin and Ramki.