First year Induction Programme 2024-2025 -Day -7
Day 7
The seventh day Induction Programme was held on 9th September 2024, Monday at the Grand Arena Auditorium. The coordinators Mrs. G. Suganthi AP/ Chemistry & Mrs. Muthammmal AP/ Chemistry organized the day of events. In the first session the chief guest Dr. Arulprakash Jerald former Director, of Kerala State a renowned expert in Science and Technology, (Museum & Planatorium) shared his valuable insights on “A Future of different branches of Engineering and Challenges”. In the second session mentor mentee interaction headed by Mr. Raja Sudhan AP/Mech, Mrs. Thangam AP/Physics, Dr. Sowmiya AsP/ ECE, Mrs. Saranya AP/CSE, Mrs. Blanie AP/ CSE Mrs. Anuja AP/CSE, Dr. Sowthily AP/EEE, Mrs. Krishnaveni AP/ Agri &Asso. (Dean Campus Management System) and Mrs. Anlin Sahaya Infant Tinu M.AP. BME. Agri field Visit for the freshers headed by Mrs. Nithya AP/ Agri and Mr.Arun Pandiyan AP/Agri. Journey to Library for the freshers headed by Dr. T.Jani Subha AsP/Chemistry, Mrs. Nagarajan AP/ Mathematics and Mr. Judvin Paul/ English. Campus visit for the freshers headed by Dr.Rejnis AsP/ Chemistry & Mr. Aneesh AP/Mathematics, Mr. Muthu Irullappan AP/ Mathematics, Mrs. G. Suganthi AP/ Chemistry Mrs. Versalin Baby AP/ Physics & Dr. A. Dhanalakshmi AP/ English.