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Rohini college of engineering and technology saw the grand scale inauguration of IEEE Student Branch on 24th of august 2024 Participating as the chief guest of the programme Head Of The EEE Department, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Nagercoil DR, C. MYTHILI, assistant professor congratulated the management and principal on having conceived such an innovative idea to conduct the programme in a novel manner, utilizing the latest technology. She said that over 4 lakh students enrolled in IEEE nation-wide and over 1855 student chapters have been linked up with diverse engineering streams. Nearly 1/3rd of the technical Journals, Magazines and thesis papers currently available could be accessed through IEEE.

The Head Of The Department Dr.D Sam Harison called up the students to create modern technological and know how to develop and integrate the technical knowledge and expertise with various spheres of human endeavor to give a much needed impetus to the technological progress of the nation.

She said that budding engineers must take it upon themselves the task of fostering and spreading technological excellence, through creative and innovative thought processes and take technological progress to the doorstep of common people and illiterates. Speaking on the occasion,                                            Dr. R.RAJESH principal said that the institution has made a unique and pioneering attempt at bringing the university closer to the college through A-View Digital mode, employing the latest technology. He expressed his happiness over the success of the initiative.