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Induction Programme For Beginners

The department of Science and Humanities of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology has organized an Induction Programme and Bridge Course for the first year students according to the AICTE norms from July 17, 2019, to July 26, 2019.

          In a view of enriching the students’ personality traits, professional and communication skills, the Management and Principal of RCET are very keen on encouraging this kind of programmes. This eight days programme included wide range of topics and various resource persons from different disciplines from, in and out of the college.

          Dr. Umaiyorubagan, former Principal of  S.T Hindu College gave a motivational speech on “Mentoring Human Values”. Dr. Xavier Dhas, former Head, Dept. of English, Thoothoor  Arts and Science College explicated his ideas on “How to Become a Top Professional like G.M, CEO in a Company”. Dr. Surendran, Prof. Head of Sociology, Hindu College expounded a thought provoking speech on “How to Excel in Education with Values and Important of NSS, YRC, RRC”. Dr. S. Mangaiyarkarasi, Prof. Department of English, S.T Hindu College gave a speech on “Personality Development”.

          During these days, faculty members from various departments of our college have imparted their knowledge and wisdom to inculcate the capabilities of students in their respective subjects on the following topics: “Technical Talk on Scooters and Car” by Dr. A. Nabisha, “Importance of Online Courses like NPTEL, SWAYAM etc” by Dr. S. Radhika, “Getting Ready for Corporate with Motivational Videos” by Prof. S. Vasudevan, “Need for Knowledge Outside Text Books” by Dr. T. Jani Subha, “Computer Hardware Servicing with Live Demonstration” by Prof. Soban, “House Wiring. Live Demonstration with Video” by Prof. Aswini and Prof. Divya Shaji, “Developing Effective Communication Skills” by Prof. F. George Mary Arthy, “How to Become Ready for Industry and What Industry Needs from an Engineer” by Dr. Mohana Lekshmi, “ Bridge between You and Your Industry” by Prof. P. Jeyakumar, and “Global Warming Video Presentation” by Prof. G. Suganthi.

          Bridge Course was also conducted and the classes were engaged by the faculty members and Head of various Departments of RCET.