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National Level Technical Symposium organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 2019-2020

The Mechanical Engineering Symposium provides an unparalleled opportunity to an individual to increase the depth of his scientific knowledge. The seminars offer an ideal platform to initiate inter-disciplinary work cutting across boundaries. The department maintains a very vibrant academic atmosphere through various academic initiatives.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National Level Technical Symposium MACH 2019 which was presided over by Honorable Chairman, Vice Chairman, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Respected Principal, Heads of the Department, Event Coordinators. Shri.P.Pandarm, Senior Scientific Officer, Nuclear Power Plant, Koodankulam had kindly consented to be the guest of MACH 2020. Chief Guest address was given by Shri.P.Pandarm, Senior Scientific Officer, Nuclear Power Plant, Koodankulam about recent trends in Automobile field and motivated the audience to gain more knowledge. Through their way of presentation, they made an impact in engineering education among students. He also encouraged students to elicit innovative ideas and develop their skills by participating in various events to emerge successful in their focused areas.

Events like PUBG, WATER BALLOON, ART FROM WASTE, AQUA JET, PAPER PRESENTATION, TECH QUIZ, PROJECT EXPO, ENGINE ASSEMBLY, JENGA, MR. MACH, CAD MASTERS were conducted. Students participated in large number with enthusiasm. Different committees comprising of students, supporting faculty members formed to conduct the symposium. Faculty members of the department monitored the events and selected the winners. Prizes and Certificates were issued for winners and runners of each event. The certificates for winners were given in the end of the day by the Principal and Head of the Department. Event ended with National Anthem.