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The Faire Connectrons, an Association of  Diploma Engineers, hosted a one-day workshop on "Electric Vehicle Design" on March 22nd Jan, 2024 at College Campus.

                       The Workshop started with Inaugural session. Prof.. R.Premkumar, welcomed the august gathering.  Prof.. Jeba singh introduced Er.Sreethar, Managing Director, NICE panel, Thirunelveli, and his team, who were responsible for conducting the workshop. Dr.R.Rajesh, the Principal, advised the participants to invest their knowledge to reap high dividends. Dr.V.M.Blessy Geo,Managing Director,RCET wished the workshop a great success.

About 128 Second Year students of Diploma participated in the Workshop. The speaker gave a presentation on "Electric Vehicle Design." He also elaborated in detail, about Electric vechile such as battery,solar cell applications. Students were given hands on Training on , a development platform and how they are used to either host the application  Prof.. Loganathan, and Prof.Renuka devi , coordinated the workshop and Certificates were distributed to the Participants after the successful completion of the workshop.